As a Property Management Company, we see it all, from months worth of dust and grime from the busy Holiday season to cluttered spaces that are often forgotten about because we’re the only ones that see them, there’s really no better way to get ready for Spring but to give your home and your space the cleaning and routine maintenance needed. Not only because it keeps you healthy and gives you a safe, comfortable place that you and others enjoy, but also to maintain the property whether you own or rent to ensure the property is always at its highest potential. 

We’ve put together a few tips and shared a Spring Cleaning Checklist for all Property Owners and Tenants to utilize over the next few weeks if they would like some guidance on what to look for this season. You’ll notice some of the items on the list are the landlord’s responsibility, so if anything on your list needs attention please reach out to your landlord to get things taken care of as soon as possible, however, most items on the list can be taken care of by the tenant and are small maintenance items that go a long way! 

Here are a few key areas to check and update this season:

  1. Check if your HVAC Filters need replacing.
  2. Check for light bulbs that need replacing throughout the home. 
  3. Declutter areas that are often neglected such as the attic, garage, storage spaces, cosets, etc.
  4. Purge the refrigerator! 
  5. Wash off outdoor furniture/Outdoor living area. 
  6. Get your garden prepared.

These are just some of the many items that can make a huge difference in your home and day-to-day life. Feel free to check out the Spring Cleaning Checklist attached below and make sure your home is ready to bring in the next season! 

Download the Spring Cleaning Checklist here